What is Domestic Abuse?

If you are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse, home might be a scary place to be. There might be shouting and crying, you might see your mum being really upset, or maybe you see scary and bad things happening, and people you love getting hurt. Maybe these scary and bad things happen to you and your brothers and sisters too.

Even if the person who is doing these things doesn’t live with you and your mum, or you’re not in the room when they happen, they can still feel really confusing, and really scary.

You might feel lonely, angry, or worried about your mum, your brothers, and sisters, and yourself. It’s important to know that what’s happening isn’t your fault, and that there are adults out there who understand and might be able to help you and your mum and keep you safe.

Children can also refer themselves into service from the age of 12, this is confidential, and you would not need to tell your mum or dad.

(Scottish Women’s Aid)