MARAC stands for Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference.
The sole focus of the MARAC is to ensure that the individual and their families are safe and away from harm by using a multi-agency approach.
Despite working with multiple agencies, MARAC is extremely confidential as it focusses only on reducing the risk faced by those referred.
The purpose of MARAC is to:
- Allow relevant information to be shared across agencies in attendance
- Identify the level of potential risk of the perpetrator
- Decide informed actions to increase the safety of the individual
- Implement multi-agency safety plans to reduce risk
If you are referred to MARAC it usually means that you are at high risk of harm and/or repeat victimisation. You will not be asked to attend the meeting, but rather, will be represented by an IDAA who will speak on your behalf and share anything you want discussed or any concerns you may have. Any resulting actions from the MARAC will be discussed with you after the meeting has taken place. The contents of MARAC discussion will not be shared outwith the agencies in attendance – only the actions decided upon during the conference.
Individuals can be referred to MARAC by a range of professional agencies, including Women’s Aid, Police Scotland, Social Work, Education, and Housing.
Men can also be referred to a MARAC, but they must be supported by Victim Support in this process. More information about MARAC can be found on the Safe Lives website.