What we offer


IDAA stands for Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate. IDAA workers are specialised in working with women and children who have been subjected to a high-risk level of harm. For many families, the time of separation can be the most high-risk time in life and protection, and support from multiple services is required to keep the woman and her family safe. Your IDAA worker can support you through any police reporting and court proceedings if you chose to engage in the criminal justice system.  

This service is directly linked to the local Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (also known as MARAC).

IDAA work is generally short term and focused on the safety planning and ensuring physical safety. Once this has been achieved, most women and children are then passed onto the support service for further work.

One to One Support

After assessment, women may be referred to one to one practical and emotional support. This support is client-centred and will focus on your specific needs at that time, being flexible to meet the demands of your life.

This support can take the form of:

  • Emotional Support
  • Advocacy Support
  • Legal Support
  • Housing Support
  • Financial Support

We can work alongside you to help you understand your thoughts and feelings surrounding what you have experienced and supporting you to navigate a life free from domestic abuse and coercive control.

Trauma Recovery

Shetland Women’s Aid offers trauma recovery to women who may be struggling with the aftermath of the abuse they experienced. A mix of psychoeducation and coping techniques are used to help women understand and alleviate the consequences of trauma. Facilitators validate and normalise your experience and will explore with you how trauma affects the mind and body.

Trauma recovery work may take the form of 1-1 sessions or in a group setting. It is up to yourself which you would prefer.


Counselling can empower a client and help her sustain change beyond crisis support. Using a person-centred model of psychotherapy our therapists passionately believe in a survivors’ ability to change and grow, to be the best they can be in their lives free from domestic abuse.

Counsellors may also use customised trauma treatment interventions including somatic therapy, CRM and EMDR when working with women who may have complex PTSD and experience frequent flashbacks and/or dissociation.

Group Work Programme

If you wish, while accessing our support services, you may be invited to participate in our group work programmes. Group work has been proven to be extremely beneficial to women in their roads to recovery, with many utilising the experiences of their peers as a tool for understanding the abuse they have suffered.

The group work programmes we are currently running include:

  • Own My Life
  • Wellbeing Group